Chakra Clearing

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    One-time payment ($99.00)$99.00
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    One-time payment ($77.00) for Etheric Circle members$77.00

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"Tash is a beautiful healer who uses her knowledge of kinesiology and quantum healing to create a safe, nurturing space for people o release trauma and create the life they want."


"Tash's ability to connect with people and then guide and support them on their own journey through growth, discovery or deeper work is her real talent."

Chakra Clearing: Explore, clear and activate your Chakras on the quantum level

Join me over 7 weeks as we dive deep into each of the major Chakras. We will explore what needs to be cleared for the collective and how this has expressed for you personally. 

Each week there will be a live zoom call for a group quantum healing on:

  • Base/Root Chakra
  • Sacral Chakra
  • Navel/Solar Plexus Chakra
  • Heart Chakra
  • Throat Chakra
  • Brow/Third Eye Chakra
  • Crown Chakra

We will be clearing programming, imprints and wounds from this lifetime, previous lifetimes and ancestral lineages. There may also be frequency upgrades, activations and soul remembrance.

Each call will be unique and potent as I will be channeling the group's energy, higher selves, team of guides and ancestors on what needs to be cleared for your highest good and the highest good for all.

The time has come to unite and work together to clear the ties that keep us from connecting to our true power and all that we can access. You are a creator being and you are being called to connect with your soul family and soul purpose to allow for true self expression..

Live calls will be held every Thursday at 9.30am AWST starting on 24 October 2024. Each call will be 1 hour. If you can't make the live call you will be able to access the replay within 24 hours in the course portal. I will be working with everyone's energy so it's ok if you can't join live, your energy will be part of the container.

What will you get:

7 x 1 hour live quantum healing calls on each of the major Chakras with lifetime access to the replays

7 x audio major Chakra affirmation tracks with Solfeggio frequencies

Mini trainings on each of the major Chakras

Workbook companion guide

Facebook group for community support

BONUS: Earth Star Chakra and Soul Star Chakra live quantum healings at the end of the course

Only 0 remaining!

  • Total payment
  • 1xChakra Clearing$0

All prices in AUD

14 day money back guarantee

If you are not completely satisfied with the course simply let us know within 14 days for your money back guarantee.
